Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The other day when I was spending time with God, I had a picture enter my mind of a field of swaying tall grass. At first I thought the field was supposed to represent the world, but something felt off about the field. The field was green, it was mundane, and the grass seemed very content in what it was and where it was. I asked God why the field I saw didn't seem like the "harvest field" I initially thought it was supposed to be. I felt that God said something felt weird to me because the field I was seeing wasn't the harvest field, but the church. After this, I saw a large earthquake start to happen, and the ground beneath the field started to shake quite strongly. I saw small pieces of field being lifted up and moved to other areas. I felt that God said to me that he was going to start moving people to places that they needed to be, and sometimes forcefully if necessary. And I assume with the shaking of the field I saw, that people are going to start to feel more unrest about just sitting around in their life, and are going to start to feel an increased need to do more. I feel that this is a now word.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

God is Restoring Intimacy's Framework

About a month or two ago, I was talking to a friend. She had been having a rough day, and at the end of our conversation, to show her appreciation for me being around, she texted me " *hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* ," among other things. I thought that it was interesting because I had never had anyone message me with two hugs in the same message in a row before, let alone four. To show I cared for her back, I texted the same thing back to her- " *hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* ." Within two days of this happening, I was watching a Christian conference online. During the time of me watching the conference, which happened to have a chatbox next to the video player, someone else watching the conference typed into the chatbox " *hug* *hug* *hug* *hug* ," because he/she was enjoying the conference and was feeling lovey-dovey or whatever. Because I knew this occurence had little chance of being random happenstance, I set out to find out what it might mean. This is what I found out:

The number 4 in the Bible is a sign of boundaries/order/a framework- 4 rings to be able to properly carry several of the tabernacle items (Exodus 25:26), the 4 corners of the globe (Revelation 20:8), the 4 winds held by the 4 angels who were standing at the 4 corners of the earth (Revelation 7:1).

Hugging, of course, is a sign of intimacy, of closeness.

I prayed and asked God about the matter, and I felt that he said he is now restoring intimacy's framework. People have lost what it means to have proper relationships- the institution of marriage seems to be in shambles, men and women don't realize they can be just friends, and there aren't many good examples out there for people to go off of to be able to base their own relationships off of. God's word for now is that he is restoring the framework of what intimacy is supposed to be. He is going to raise up examples of what real intimacy is supposed to look like. In doing so, people will at least have a choice on whether they want to follow God's model or not. Currently, there is a lot of haziness concerning what intimacy really is. God is clearing that up.

I also felt like God may have said that we will need to pray that this move of God be protected, because Satan is going to try to stop it/weaken it. As well, it is worth noting that God's main desire is to be intimate with mankind (relationship-wise, not sexually), and so the level of intimacy we attain and model on earth is a direct reflection and message to everyone else of the kind of intimacy that is characteristic of God. People fail to obtain part of the insight about who God is if they don't see the love of God manifested in the form of real intimacy between people in relationships.

And so that is the message I got. I wanted to honor it being given to me, so I am passing it on to other people.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Settling for Less Than the Best (F)

The above passage talks about a meeting that took place between Mephibosheth (a crippled who was the grandson of Saul, but was allowed to hang out with David after David became king) and David in the Bible. Mephibosheth was a person who David let eat with him at his dinner table. Mephibosheth had been accused of betraying David while David was out at war, and yet it appears Mephibosheth was innocent. But the problem is, even though Mephibosheth lost all his possessions because of someone else lying about him, and could have gotten at least half of it back when David offered to partially correct the wrong, he chose not to.

I felt like God told me to read that passage just the other day. And when I asked him what he wanted me to get out of it, I felt like he said that the church today is in a position like Mephibosheth. I felt like he said- The church is not functioning to full capacity (like Mephibosheth had crippled legs), though it eats at the Lord's table. Also, that the church today is living in injustice, and is missing possessions that rightfully belong to it. The problem is, the church has chosen in the past to say "I'd rather not waste the extra energy to press God to get back what the enemy stole from me; even if I do desire it."

I feel that God is pointing out this passage now because he is wanting people to press into him to get back what is rightfully theirs. He wants them to quit feeling sorry for themselves, and for them to remember that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6), and that he has said that people who press him for justice and amends to be made will get it and get it more quickly (Luke 18:8). I feel he is calling people to pick their dreams back up, to pick back up their position of refusing to let the enemy take what is theirs, and to continue to go to God concerning these issues because he wants to make justice happen for the wrongs. The question is- how far are we willing to go to get back what God has wanted us to have the whole time? How good are we going to believe God really is?