So I was watching a sermon on an IBethel tv webstream, and the speaker of the day (forgot who it was) mentioned that a christian business owner had been invited to a competitor's pre-grand opening celebration. The speaker mentioned that this christian business owner actually prayed that this competitor's business would prosper (and the competitor's were really touched and thankful for it). And this got me thinking on the issue of scarcity and how in the world we, as humans, ever started to focus on this concept to begin with.
Scarcity, as it is known, is a lack of some kind. Sometimes people use it as a term for rarity, but really, if people didn't want that "rare" thing, then they probably wouldn't care if it was rare or not, and so the word scarce probably wouldn't matter. But we also know, that our God is a more-than-enough God. Our God wants to richly supply all our needs and wholesome desires. He wants us to have life to the full (John 10:10). So if God is a rich supplier, where did scarcity come from? It must have come from the sinful actions of man. Okay, so we have the fact that we humans caused our own scarcities. Solutions?
I think one strong notion and solution that the christian business owner in the story put forth was, that we need to stop making our choices based on scarcity. We need to stop thinking in a competition mindset, which strongly is a result of the concept of scarcity. We need to look at the world and say "My God is able to provide;" and also, we need to remind ourselves that we have seeds, and as we sow our seeds, they produce a harvest. We don't just get our same number of seeds back, we get a bunch of seeds/harvest back (Mark 10:29-30). And on top of all this, we need to not think that if we ask God to prosper someone that He wants to prosper, that for some reason it would take away from God's ability to provide for us. By praying prosperity, we aren't taking away anything, we are merely adding to the blessings and abundance that are in the world, including our own.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How Success Will Be Determined in America (F)
I saw a screw (the thing you use that works better than a nail for some things) coming down into America. It was tilling the earth as it was being put into us. This represents that God is bringing a change in America as far as the financial area goes (and the area of being successful). God said to me that he is going to start depleting and weakening people's ability to succeed by evil ways, and that he is going to start making it so that, if people want to succeed, they will need to turn to those things that God is sowing into and growing. This depletion of people being able to succeed by outside means will bring more attention, and indeed the proper attention, to the things God is doing. Gems will be honored as gems more like they should be (i'm talking about spiritual gems, as in the potential and ideas that are stored up in people).
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Dare to Dream (P)
Here is a prophecy I gave to someone today. While it was meant specifically for them, I believe it's truths also apply to so many of us.
" Would you like visions of things you know not? Dreams of things you never have beheld? They lie in the eyes of God, and they are waiting for you. He leaves an open door for you to come and pursue them if you desire to. Just as Isaiah saw heavenly things and God cleaned his lips after he entered in (Isaiah 6:1-6), so also God isn't requiring you to be perfect to be able to experience these things. You are his child, and children are given new experiences even as they are growing- indeed, many times it is the new experiences that cause a child to grow; and experiencing a greater amount of his love is always a positive experience that draws people into growth.
God loves you with an everlasting love. From the first page of the Bible, to the last, God wrote his love story within the lines. He had you in mind when he was writing the Bible; he knew that you would be reading it one day. He took joy in the fact that you would be able to know him better because it existed, and part of the reason it has become has numerous in quantity and magnified through technology as it has become is because God wanted to be able to bless you all the more, in a way that would touch you personally. And you might think "My God doesn't care about me that much;" but he does. He who formed you in the womb, who has a count of all the hairs on your head, who guards you as you surf the internet- he didn't think it was too much to make the bible more available/impactful for one of his children. He formed the entire universe, the vast majority of which is still unexplored; he sees how the cells in each strand of your hair are organized and can command any of them individually- He is big enough that this is a small thing for him. And can you only imagine the things we consider "big things" that he could do for us that he doesn't consider big at all. He's already stopped the world once before, and that simply at the request of one man (Joshua, Joshua 10:12-14)- and it only takes one other man to make a request that God may honor it. I feel that God wants you to get to a point where you dare to ask unbelievable things of God- look what happened when Moses did (Exodus 33:18-23). And doesn't the Bible say that God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11)? Aren't you his child just like Moses and Joshua? Don't children sometimes ask incredibly unbelievable requests from their parents? And while many earthly parents may want to make their child's request come true, often they don't have the resources to make it happen. But God has no such limit- and he wants to make incredibly awesome things happen for his children.
"11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:11
Big Daddy God- I bet he could give some incredible birthday presents.
And this situation is like how though many never see God- they know he is still there. And how they may not always "feel" God, and yet sometimes they feel him quite strongly. Just because people haven't seen big gifts given out to everyone, it doesn't mean that God doesn't want to. A lot of parents try to get that "one big gift" to their kids for their special occasions- and God loves us even more. Do we have the boldness enough to pursue God in an area like this and ask him to make real how strongly he really does love us? Are we satisfied with the gentle breeze, instead of pursuing the fun of the windstorm? Are we satisfied with hearing one instrument, when God has a symphony waiting? And are we satisfied with a bar of chocolate, when God has the entire variety of a vast candy store that we could try out? God wants his children to dream like he does- and he wants to see dreams fulfilled on the earth that are God-sized dreams- children of God sized dreams. Dare to dream."
" Would you like visions of things you know not? Dreams of things you never have beheld? They lie in the eyes of God, and they are waiting for you. He leaves an open door for you to come and pursue them if you desire to. Just as Isaiah saw heavenly things and God cleaned his lips after he entered in (Isaiah 6:1-6), so also God isn't requiring you to be perfect to be able to experience these things. You are his child, and children are given new experiences even as they are growing- indeed, many times it is the new experiences that cause a child to grow; and experiencing a greater amount of his love is always a positive experience that draws people into growth.
God loves you with an everlasting love. From the first page of the Bible, to the last, God wrote his love story within the lines. He had you in mind when he was writing the Bible; he knew that you would be reading it one day. He took joy in the fact that you would be able to know him better because it existed, and part of the reason it has become has numerous in quantity and magnified through technology as it has become is because God wanted to be able to bless you all the more, in a way that would touch you personally. And you might think "My God doesn't care about me that much;" but he does. He who formed you in the womb, who has a count of all the hairs on your head, who guards you as you surf the internet- he didn't think it was too much to make the bible more available/impactful for one of his children. He formed the entire universe, the vast majority of which is still unexplored; he sees how the cells in each strand of your hair are organized and can command any of them individually- He is big enough that this is a small thing for him. And can you only imagine the things we consider "big things" that he could do for us that he doesn't consider big at all. He's already stopped the world once before, and that simply at the request of one man (Joshua, Joshua 10:12-14)- and it only takes one other man to make a request that God may honor it. I feel that God wants you to get to a point where you dare to ask unbelievable things of God- look what happened when Moses did (Exodus 33:18-23). And doesn't the Bible say that God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11)? Aren't you his child just like Moses and Joshua? Don't children sometimes ask incredibly unbelievable requests from their parents? And while many earthly parents may want to make their child's request come true, often they don't have the resources to make it happen. But God has no such limit- and he wants to make incredibly awesome things happen for his children.
"11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:11
Big Daddy God- I bet he could give some incredible birthday presents.
And this situation is like how though many never see God- they know he is still there. And how they may not always "feel" God, and yet sometimes they feel him quite strongly. Just because people haven't seen big gifts given out to everyone, it doesn't mean that God doesn't want to. A lot of parents try to get that "one big gift" to their kids for their special occasions- and God loves us even more. Do we have the boldness enough to pursue God in an area like this and ask him to make real how strongly he really does love us? Are we satisfied with the gentle breeze, instead of pursuing the fun of the windstorm? Are we satisfied with hearing one instrument, when God has a symphony waiting? And are we satisfied with a bar of chocolate, when God has the entire variety of a vast candy store that we could try out? God wants his children to dream like he does- and he wants to see dreams fulfilled on the earth that are God-sized dreams- children of God sized dreams. Dare to dream."
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Why Do the Modern Prophets Never Seem to Prophesy Discipline These Days?
Below is a reposting of a message I sent to someone who had a question like this. I think it helps to answer it, and so I decided to upload it onto here:
"Hi Reader,
You asked about why you don't see negative prophecies in my thread. Well first, you have to understand that almost all the prophecies that exist in the Bible come from the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, people were under the covenant of the law. The Bible says "14For if those who live by law are heirs, faith has no value and the promise is worthless, 15because law brings wrath." (Romans 4:14-15). In a relationship based on laws and rules only, there will automatically have to be discipline, because that's how balance is kept. But the great thing is, is that we are under the new covenant now, and the new covenant is about grace. Grace is unearned love and favor. The word "gospel" means good news. This large shift in dealings from Old Testament to New Testament can be noticed significantly in the story of Jesus and the woman who was brought to him who was caught in adultery. Normally, under the law and old testament- this woman would have been killed. This is an example of how so many people view prophecy should be- discipline the crap of out of people and they will repent and return to a loving relationship with God. But Jesus did not respond to that woman that way- he merely said to her "Go and sin no more." Now compared to even getting beaten, that's a huge difference.
Another sign speaking of the shifting that Jesus was implementing would be when he said: " 43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," (Matthew 5:43-44). God's ultimate focus is love- and when Jesus came and died on the cross, he was setting up and making fully known and established the system in which he wanted us to walk by.
Now, outside of all that, we have more Scripture that gives insight in how things are best operated. And one of them is: "4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" (Romans 2:4). The other Scripture is "3But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort." (1 Corinthians 14:3). In these two Scriptures, we see that we can simply love on people and it help them to grow incredibly. And that is what I do a lot in prophetic ministry. Honestly- the world and life beats people down enough, they don't need kicked while they're down there.
Now, on the subject of discipline- this is my policy. I do know that sometimes a child needs to be disciplined in order to be brought into a more healthy lifestyle, and I'm not ignoring that. But if you research psychology, you will see that it is much more effective, and usually better, instead of trying to beat a negative trait out of a person, to simply replace that bad trait with a good one. A person might over-eat a whole lot because they get depressed because they think they can never live up to the ideal model of "hotness" that society says they should. But yelling at them every time they start overeating, while it may keep them from overeating, isn't going to solve the problem that caused them to overeat in the first place. The solution to the problem would be to show them acceptance because so many people probably look at them as disgusting- it would be to encourage a positive body image so that they realize that not everybody has to be super-skinny with a big chest- and one could also invite them to outings that will automatically be more physically active (like going camping or swimming). The increase in the positive side will start to destroy, and ultimately eliminate, the negative side. It is this way with probably 99% of issues.
Now with the other 1%, I would have to say that if God has to give a stern warning, it usually is because this person has been doing a sin for a long time and has chosen to refuse all positive encouragements. A stern warning would also probably have to come if the person's own life was at risk, and so that person needed to hear loud and clear NOW that the issue is serious business. But these events are very few and far inbetween, and often times God will often being dealing with discipline issues on his own, which he can do by either talking directly to their heart, or by changing what is happening in their life so that it pushes them in a good direction. The need for a prophet to do it is very rare, imo.
And I have dealt with sin issues before. Even fear itself is a sin (Jesus said 'Do not fear'). But these things, like i said, are 99% of the time best dealt with by injecting the positive, not by attacking the negative. Fear is often because of the fact that people don't realize just how much God loves them, or don't realize His promises for them. I haven't had to give a stern warning yet, but then I'm still young for my gifting, and I have people in the prophetic ministry at my church and in my region that God will probably give that responsibility to over me because they are more advanced than me and are more "the head of the household" as far as leadership in our chuch and area. Though there may come a day where I might have to, and I'll deal with that when it comes.
I hope I helped to answer your question. I leave you with this Scripture:
"17The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:
18"The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed,
19to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
20Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him, 21and he began by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." (Luke 4:17-21)"
"Hi Reader,
You asked about why you don't see negative prophecies in my thread. Well first, you have to understand that almost all the prophecies that exist in the Bible come from the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, people were under the covenant of the law. The Bible says "14For if those who live by law are heirs, faith has no value and the promise is worthless, 15because law brings wrath." (Romans 4:14-15). In a relationship based on laws and rules only, there will automatically have to be discipline, because that's how balance is kept. But the great thing is, is that we are under the new covenant now, and the new covenant is about grace. Grace is unearned love and favor. The word "gospel" means good news. This large shift in dealings from Old Testament to New Testament can be noticed significantly in the story of Jesus and the woman who was brought to him who was caught in adultery. Normally, under the law and old testament- this woman would have been killed. This is an example of how so many people view prophecy should be- discipline the crap of out of people and they will repent and return to a loving relationship with God. But Jesus did not respond to that woman that way- he merely said to her "Go and sin no more." Now compared to even getting beaten, that's a huge difference.
Another sign speaking of the shifting that Jesus was implementing would be when he said: " 43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," (Matthew 5:43-44). God's ultimate focus is love- and when Jesus came and died on the cross, he was setting up and making fully known and established the system in which he wanted us to walk by.
Now, outside of all that, we have more Scripture that gives insight in how things are best operated. And one of them is: "4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" (Romans 2:4). The other Scripture is "3But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort." (1 Corinthians 14:3). In these two Scriptures, we see that we can simply love on people and it help them to grow incredibly. And that is what I do a lot in prophetic ministry. Honestly- the world and life beats people down enough, they don't need kicked while they're down there.
Now, on the subject of discipline- this is my policy. I do know that sometimes a child needs to be disciplined in order to be brought into a more healthy lifestyle, and I'm not ignoring that. But if you research psychology, you will see that it is much more effective, and usually better, instead of trying to beat a negative trait out of a person, to simply replace that bad trait with a good one. A person might over-eat a whole lot because they get depressed because they think they can never live up to the ideal model of "hotness" that society says they should. But yelling at them every time they start overeating, while it may keep them from overeating, isn't going to solve the problem that caused them to overeat in the first place. The solution to the problem would be to show them acceptance because so many people probably look at them as disgusting- it would be to encourage a positive body image so that they realize that not everybody has to be super-skinny with a big chest- and one could also invite them to outings that will automatically be more physically active (like going camping or swimming). The increase in the positive side will start to destroy, and ultimately eliminate, the negative side. It is this way with probably 99% of issues.
Now with the other 1%, I would have to say that if God has to give a stern warning, it usually is because this person has been doing a sin for a long time and has chosen to refuse all positive encouragements. A stern warning would also probably have to come if the person's own life was at risk, and so that person needed to hear loud and clear NOW that the issue is serious business. But these events are very few and far inbetween, and often times God will often being dealing with discipline issues on his own, which he can do by either talking directly to their heart, or by changing what is happening in their life so that it pushes them in a good direction. The need for a prophet to do it is very rare, imo.
And I have dealt with sin issues before. Even fear itself is a sin (Jesus said 'Do not fear'). But these things, like i said, are 99% of the time best dealt with by injecting the positive, not by attacking the negative. Fear is often because of the fact that people don't realize just how much God loves them, or don't realize His promises for them. I haven't had to give a stern warning yet, but then I'm still young for my gifting, and I have people in the prophetic ministry at my church and in my region that God will probably give that responsibility to over me because they are more advanced than me and are more "the head of the household" as far as leadership in our chuch and area. Though there may come a day where I might have to, and I'll deal with that when it comes.
I hope I helped to answer your question. I leave you with this Scripture:
"17The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:
18"The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed,
19to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
20Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him, 21and he began by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." (Luke 4:17-21)"
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Service and Love (T)
One can serve until they collapse on the ground and not understand love, slaves do that. Yet a friend who loves another friend WANTS to do nice things for his friend, because his love whispers in his ear "Wouldn't that be great?" (Concerning the issue of obsession of thinking that God demands service, as compared to focusing our walks on loving relationships with God) Love and service aren't the same, love is greater. (1 Corinthians 13:3)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Our Callings Aren't Static (T)
Adam and Eve started off in the garden. They had a certain destiny that God had open to them. Part of this was to be the maintainers of the Garden. When Adam and Eve fell, their calling changed, because they no longer had access to the Garden. Now this is in a negative light, but it doesn't always mean our callings will change because of what we do.
What about Adam and Eve's sons Cain and Abel? God's original calling for them may have been to work part of the Garden as well; if things had gone right. But because a situation changed with people outside of themselves, the calling in their lives changed.
Now put this into perspective with our own lives. God may start us off in one location, but because of the choices other people make, God may request us to move to help in a different situation. We may have originally been asked to live in Canada, but since something starts happening in England, and God knows that we would be suited well to deal with the issues there, he requests us to go there and help. A person may have been originally called to be a pastor, but maybe he would get called to be an evangelist or missionary because a strong need arose due to people's choices.
Our actions also affect the callings of others, and others' choices affect our callings. God may not call someone who came from a broken home to the same level of leadership and role that he would have been if he had been raised in a christian atmosphere. Why? Because the former has a lot of baggage that he may spend years of his life having to deal with; the one in the christian atmosphere may get saved 10 or more years earlier and have a strong foundation. We could say something really hurtful and mean to someone that pushes them over the edge and has them leave the church for a year, or we could say something nice and it be the one thing that pushes them over the edge to stay in the church and keep going. Some of their destiny in God could be destroyed or fulfilled because of our actions. And so it is with everyone. Our callings aren't static, we live in a fluid world where God has to deal with people's choices and move people around according to what is needed. This is not to say that people's inherent gifts will just disappear and be replaced by something else from God, as each person has core features that make them who they are, but it does mean that the rate at which they use those gifts, and where, could be affected by the world around them.
What about Adam and Eve's sons Cain and Abel? God's original calling for them may have been to work part of the Garden as well; if things had gone right. But because a situation changed with people outside of themselves, the calling in their lives changed.
Now put this into perspective with our own lives. God may start us off in one location, but because of the choices other people make, God may request us to move to help in a different situation. We may have originally been asked to live in Canada, but since something starts happening in England, and God knows that we would be suited well to deal with the issues there, he requests us to go there and help. A person may have been originally called to be a pastor, but maybe he would get called to be an evangelist or missionary because a strong need arose due to people's choices.
Our actions also affect the callings of others, and others' choices affect our callings. God may not call someone who came from a broken home to the same level of leadership and role that he would have been if he had been raised in a christian atmosphere. Why? Because the former has a lot of baggage that he may spend years of his life having to deal with; the one in the christian atmosphere may get saved 10 or more years earlier and have a strong foundation. We could say something really hurtful and mean to someone that pushes them over the edge and has them leave the church for a year, or we could say something nice and it be the one thing that pushes them over the edge to stay in the church and keep going. Some of their destiny in God could be destroyed or fulfilled because of our actions. And so it is with everyone. Our callings aren't static, we live in a fluid world where God has to deal with people's choices and move people around according to what is needed. This is not to say that people's inherent gifts will just disappear and be replaced by something else from God, as each person has core features that make them who they are, but it does mean that the rate at which they use those gifts, and where, could be affected by the world around them.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Mall (P)
Your Dream:
You were in a store/mall and you saw a piece of clothing/shirt and went to look at it. You desired to have the shirt but wondered how you were going to get it/pay for it. The clerk came by and asked you about it, but you acted like you were merely "just looking"/denied interest, even though you did want the shirt/piece of clothing. You thought to yourself "I could just take it." And so you do. And at some point, possibly after you left the store, you put it on. But it was like you were wearing your guilt. Then you became aware that God saw you with the shirt on, but you felt God's love when this happened, and not condemnation. And you hunched over on the ground, and the shirt disingrated off of you as you realized "Yea, what I did was wrong." Still, even after this, you did not feel God's condemnation. After that, you felt God's presence come and visit you, and it was like it made a piece of clothing out of his presence to replace the shirt. And God was saying with this "I will clothe you."
Interpretation: That no matter what happens, you can't sin more than he can love, and that he is always there to clothe you with his beauty.
You were in a store/mall and you saw a piece of clothing/shirt and went to look at it. You desired to have the shirt but wondered how you were going to get it/pay for it. The clerk came by and asked you about it, but you acted like you were merely "just looking"/denied interest, even though you did want the shirt/piece of clothing. You thought to yourself "I could just take it." And so you do. And at some point, possibly after you left the store, you put it on. But it was like you were wearing your guilt. Then you became aware that God saw you with the shirt on, but you felt God's love when this happened, and not condemnation. And you hunched over on the ground, and the shirt disingrated off of you as you realized "Yea, what I did was wrong." Still, even after this, you did not feel God's condemnation. After that, you felt God's presence come and visit you, and it was like it made a piece of clothing out of his presence to replace the shirt. And God was saying with this "I will clothe you."
Interpretation: That no matter what happens, you can't sin more than he can love, and that he is always there to clothe you with his beauty.
A Tree and It's Fruit
"And if your heart was to test to see if I was of God, I would remind you that even though a tree will be known by its fruit, not every piece of fruit on a tree has to be good fruit for the tree to be known for good fruit in general. Sometimes trees can't help if bugs try to destroy the tree or a worm gets in one of the pieces of fruit. But it doesn't mean the tree needs to be cut down, it just means the tree needs better pesticides used on it."
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
People Who Believe for Miraculous Catches of Fish
One day I was in my prayer time and I asked God what was on his mind. I believe he said to me "I'm looking for people to receive this blessing I want to give out- miraculous catches of fish (people)." But obviously, since he was looking for fishermen, it told me he had not found them yet. This told me he had A) 'Miraculous catches of fish' destinies/moments waiting for someone to get a hold of them, and B) there had to be people qualified to take up this call. But God didn't say to me that he was waiting for a particular person or group of people to finally get around to "answering their doorbells" on this matter, so many people who simply pursue this open calling/searching could get the reward of this offer.
We see that in Luke 5:4-6, a simple command from God that was obeyed turned something that appeared to be unfruitful into something that became a large success:
"4When he [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." 5Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." 6When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break." Luke 5:4-6
And while Peter and his crew were trained fishermen, and so were able to handle with some skills the situation that God put them in, I believe God was saying to me that he can train anyone to get to this point. Moses became the leader of an entire nation of people, from one calling, and Moses had speaking issues, lacked confidence, and may not have had much administrative/leadership experience while living under Pharaoh or his father-in-law.
The Bible says:
" Can a country be born in a day
or a nation be brought forth in a moment? " Isaiah 66:8
And again,
"12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12. How many greater works have we actually seen people accomplish? That passage says this is open to every believer if they are willing to believe for it. Do we dare to dream? We see that large groups of people have been saved in a day in the Bible (Acts 2:40-41). Or can we really dream bigger than God?
We see that in Luke 5:4-6, a simple command from God that was obeyed turned something that appeared to be unfruitful into something that became a large success:
"4When he [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." 5Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." 6When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break." Luke 5:4-6
And while Peter and his crew were trained fishermen, and so were able to handle with some skills the situation that God put them in, I believe God was saying to me that he can train anyone to get to this point. Moses became the leader of an entire nation of people, from one calling, and Moses had speaking issues, lacked confidence, and may not have had much administrative/leadership experience while living under Pharaoh or his father-in-law.
The Bible says:
" Can a country be born in a day
or a nation be brought forth in a moment? " Isaiah 66:8
And again,
"12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12. How many greater works have we actually seen people accomplish? That passage says this is open to every believer if they are willing to believe for it. Do we dare to dream? We see that large groups of people have been saved in a day in the Bible (Acts 2:40-41). Or can we really dream bigger than God?
Can the Prophecies in the Book of Revelation be Changed?
So I was thinking about the book of Revelation one day, and was thinking about how horrible it seemed like it would be. I was also thinking about the many times that it appeared God was declaring/commanding for an event to take place in the Bible, but that in those same instances, someone changed God's mind (Hezekiah, Moses, etc.). This made me wonder, can the prophesies in the Book of Revelation be changed/prevented? Are some of the things God said would happen really God's will for that time? Or could God be moved like Hezekiah moved him, so that what was planned could be prevented? One thing I would really like to see is that the Anti-Christ not be allowed to overpower believers in the end-times. I mean, really, how could that be God's will? "Yes, that's right my angels, I want people to be deceived by a powerful looking devil who appears to be trumping me at every corner." That's something that I can't stomach as God's will, and so I would think that if people pursued it enough, that it very well could be changed. But for information's sake, let's look at the passages where at least Hezekiah and Moses changed God's mind.
2 Kings 20:1
"1 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover."
This is a command of the Lord. So if the Lord is always right, and what He says will happen will happen, then shouldn't Hezekiah simply have said "Okay, Lord" ? But maybe God doesn't want us to be just robots always simply obeying every word he says. Below is what Hezekiah does, and God's response to it:
2 Kings 20:2,3
"2 Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, ...And Hezekiah wept bitterly."
2 Kings 20: 4,5,6
"... 4 Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word of the LORD came to him: 5 "Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people, 'This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. ...6 I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria."
So we see, the fabric of destiny was changed, as was the decision of the Lord, because Hezekiah chose to do something.
As for Moses' situation:
Exodus 32:8, 9-10
" 8 They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. ...9 "I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people. 10 Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation."
Again God gives Moses a command, but instead of simply obeying, Moses talks to God about it:
Exodus 32:11,13
"11 But Moses sought the favor of the LORD his God. "O LORD, ...13 Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel, to whom you swore by your own self: 'I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all this land I promised them"
And God's response:
Exodus 32:14
"14 Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened."
So here are two passages in the Bible that say that God's word isn't always a final word. We know from the story of David's sin with Bathsheba, that sometimes God's word is a final word, as God told David that the child Bathsheba had first born to him would die, and it did (2 Samuel 12). But who says the book of Revelation all has to be final? We know that God has at least two wills- the one he doesn't want to carry out but has to because he is a just judge (Ezekiel 22:30), and the one that he wanted to always carry out to begin with in his loving heart; so why couldn't the events in Revelation that certainly don't look like the perfect will of God be changed? Maybe they can. (And Jesus told his disciples to pray that the Day of the Lord would not take place in winter- Matthew 24:20)
2 Kings 20:1
"1 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover."
This is a command of the Lord. So if the Lord is always right, and what He says will happen will happen, then shouldn't Hezekiah simply have said "Okay, Lord" ? But maybe God doesn't want us to be just robots always simply obeying every word he says. Below is what Hezekiah does, and God's response to it:
2 Kings 20:2,3
"2 Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, ...And Hezekiah wept bitterly."
2 Kings 20: 4,5,6
"... 4 Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word of the LORD came to him: 5 "Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people, 'This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. ...6 I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria."
So we see, the fabric of destiny was changed, as was the decision of the Lord, because Hezekiah chose to do something.
As for Moses' situation:
Exodus 32:8, 9-10
" 8 They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. ...9 "I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people. 10 Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation."
Again God gives Moses a command, but instead of simply obeying, Moses talks to God about it:
Exodus 32:11,13
"11 But Moses sought the favor of the LORD his God. "O LORD, ...13 Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel, to whom you swore by your own self: 'I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all this land I promised them"
And God's response:
Exodus 32:14
"14 Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened."
So here are two passages in the Bible that say that God's word isn't always a final word. We know from the story of David's sin with Bathsheba, that sometimes God's word is a final word, as God told David that the child Bathsheba had first born to him would die, and it did (2 Samuel 12). But who says the book of Revelation all has to be final? We know that God has at least two wills- the one he doesn't want to carry out but has to because he is a just judge (Ezekiel 22:30), and the one that he wanted to always carry out to begin with in his loving heart; so why couldn't the events in Revelation that certainly don't look like the perfect will of God be changed? Maybe they can. (And Jesus told his disciples to pray that the Day of the Lord would not take place in winter- Matthew 24:20)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Paintbrush (P)
"I have a destiny you can walk in," declares the Lord (Ephesians 2:10), "but it doesn't mean that your dreams aren't a part of it." For as an artist uses a paintbrush and paints a picture, so also he can give that paintbrush to his child, and have the child add to the picture as well. And it may seem that the child shouldn't be painting because he might mess it up, yet maybe it is that child's very touch that can add even more beauty to his father's artwork. In the least, as the child grows older, he will know how to paint better, and his increased skill will allow him to start painting like the father paints. The son making masterpieces would never have happened if the father never gave his child the paintbrush and let him experience it while he was younger. I feel God saying to feel free to try out the paintbrush, because he gave you one, and he already knew your ability level."
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Windmill (P)
"I got a picture of a windmill. And the windmill fan had 4 blades to it, making the shape of a cross. And I feel like God is saying that the cross may be what opened up the ability for power and granted salvation, but it's the Holy Spirit, the wind that blows that fan, that is the power itself. I feel like God is saying you should seek the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Baptism of power. ... '2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.' Acts 2:2-4."
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Fear vs. Love
When it comes to witnessing, I notice that there are two main motives that people often have for why they are witnessing to someone. The first one is that they are worried about what will happen to the person in Hell if they don't come to God. The second is that they understand a drop of how Jesus sees that person, and they have a desire inside them that wants to love on that person. I've noticed over and over that the first reason for witnessing seems to cause a lot of destruction. People base their "hunger" for the lost on fear, the fear that if they don't get that next person saved, that the person is going to go to Hell; and so it would be partly their fault for that person burning in a lake of fire for all of eternity when they didn't have to. Then they imagine numerous people that could be burning in Hell and that those people burning could be the non-witnessing person's fault. This kind of thought drives them to do act after act to try to get people to pay attention to God; it stays a fear in them, and as a fear, it steals their peace. Why? Because there is always someone else that could be saved; and if they aren't doing something to try to save them, it very well could be partly their fault that that person went to Hell. This makes them goal-oriented instead of relationship oriented, and because their focus is more highly set on getting the person saved than actually on the person himself, they violate the people they are interacting with, because they set this person as an objective instead of valuing the person of whom the objective may be a part of. The same thing happens when a man approaches a woman simply for sex, or even simply having it as his main focus (I'm talking like a random guy is looking at a random female)- it devalues the person because that person isn't just sex. When we focus on people as just an objective, "Got to get them to Jesus," we devalue all the beauty that God put there and the person as a whole, and it is part of why people run from such Christians. Nobody wants to be looked at like they are only useful as a trophy for someone else, and this doesn't change when being approached with the gospel.
The second motive I mentioned about why people witness, because they simply want to love on the other person (platonically), I've seen give far better results. Seeing a teenage girl who just got pregnant and feeling compassion for her and so trying to make her life not so burdensome- is one example. Notice I didn't mention about the gospel being overtly preached there. As well, seeing someone in a financial crisis, maybe laid off from a job, and so offering to help a bit with their bills so they can stay on their feet. Even simply kicking back and having fun with people, because you like to see people in good cheer. These things turn people toward God, and yet most of these acts don't have to include "By the way, have you heard about Jesus?" Why? Because God is love. So by experiencing love, people experience God. As it is written: "4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" Romans 2:4. And again "14The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " Galatians 5:14. The whole Bible is summed up in this: Love. It's the battery that everything runs on. And while the gospel still needs to be preached, there is a proper timing for everything; as it is written "6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." 1 Corinthians 3:6. A seed can't be harvested, it has to grow into a plant first. And in the same way, people can't simply be brought to God at any time, they have to grow toward God, and eventually they become ripe/ready. But until then, our job is simply to till a little soil, add a little water- add love into their lives until they realize God is worth going after.
The second motive I mentioned about why people witness, because they simply want to love on the other person (platonically), I've seen give far better results. Seeing a teenage girl who just got pregnant and feeling compassion for her and so trying to make her life not so burdensome- is one example. Notice I didn't mention about the gospel being overtly preached there. As well, seeing someone in a financial crisis, maybe laid off from a job, and so offering to help a bit with their bills so they can stay on their feet. Even simply kicking back and having fun with people, because you like to see people in good cheer. These things turn people toward God, and yet most of these acts don't have to include "By the way, have you heard about Jesus?" Why? Because God is love. So by experiencing love, people experience God. As it is written: "4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" Romans 2:4. And again "14The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " Galatians 5:14. The whole Bible is summed up in this: Love. It's the battery that everything runs on. And while the gospel still needs to be preached, there is a proper timing for everything; as it is written "6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." 1 Corinthians 3:6. A seed can't be harvested, it has to grow into a plant first. And in the same way, people can't simply be brought to God at any time, they have to grow toward God, and eventually they become ripe/ready. But until then, our job is simply to till a little soil, add a little water- add love into their lives until they realize God is worth going after.
The Pudding Cup (P)
"I also got a picture of a pudding cup. I heard "Take and eat. Take and eat." But then I saw God eating the pudding cup. I asked him why he was eating the pudding cup, and I got the impression that he was saying it was because the pudding cup was simply that good. I believe God said all this to say to you - 'I'm taking the good things I have and sharing them with you. They really are that good.' God says like a master will even share the scraps of his food with his dog, and so also humanity gets some of the good things of God, yet you are a daughter, and you don't get the scraps, you get the big juicy steak. "Eat up," God says "for here is a steak for you. I grilled it up just for you, because I love you daughter. *God smiles*"
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Mistakes During Prophetic Ministry
On the subject of mistakes during prophetic ministry, I've wondered what God does about those blessings we pronounce over people that weren't really of Him. And it came to mind that A) Some of these things are still blessings in general, and B) that some of these things could be sinful or create something against God's will for that person's life (if it was brought into being). And as I was thinking about this, I was reminded that Abraham made a mistake and Hagar gave birth to a son. The son should not have come into being, but we see that later God blessed Abraham's mistake because Abraham loved his other son as well. And I think that God may do this in the prophetic ministry as well- that there are some mistakes that God will anoint anyway simply because we meant well, and our heart was for that person. God may also bring our mistakes (wrongly discerned words of blessing) to pass simply for the sake of the person receiving prophetic ministry, so that their belief in the rest of His word that was true does not falter. For example, God may be saying that He was going to increase their impactful-ness in ministry, but since we got a picture of wealth, we happened to mention that God was going to bless them in a new way financially as well. God may not have had that on the agenda, but He may do it anyway simply so the person will believe the rest of His word, and because being provided for in life and being bountiful is what God wants in general for His people.
On the other hand, for B), we see in the Bible that David also had a child by a mistake, but God said that this child had to die. There are some things we say that God simply has to kill, because they aren't of Him, and will be destructive in the end.
But the encouragement is this: That sometimes even our mistakes God may turn into a blessing for the sake of the people involved; and as well, that God may put that extra effort forth to kill those errors that are destructive that we may have accidentally prophesied over someone's life (i'm not saying abortion- aka killing babies- is of God; the reference is merely about prophetic ministry).
On the other hand, for B), we see in the Bible that David also had a child by a mistake, but God said that this child had to die. There are some things we say that God simply has to kill, because they aren't of Him, and will be destructive in the end.
But the encouragement is this: That sometimes even our mistakes God may turn into a blessing for the sake of the people involved; and as well, that God may put that extra effort forth to kill those errors that are destructive that we may have accidentally prophesied over someone's life (i'm not saying abortion- aka killing babies- is of God; the reference is merely about prophetic ministry).
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Lil 'Ol Me's (P)
"And maybe you think "Well, I can't do a whole lot. My gifts aren't anything special." But it's the whole world, working together with the gifts that they have, that makes the world run. If people stopped using their abilities, the world would cease to operate. As well, it was the lil 'ol me's of the world that came up with brilliant things. Thomas Edison only went to a normal school for a few months, and got a lot of the rest of his basic schooling at home, but he created tons of inventions. Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but yet she made a huge impact in her time. Bill Gates was just some random guy tinkering in his garage with his imagination, and now he is huge. This could be you. You may think of yourself as not much, but it only took a mustard seed in the kingdom of God to take a mountain and throw it into the sea, and God can use you in the same way."
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Key-board (P)
"I [God] still have more for you, more hearts to bring healing to; and as you give healing to others, you will be healed more as well. Part of your healing is wrapped in the lives of others; for as cloth is bound together and the strands survive partly because of one another, so also man is bound to each other, for this is how I made them in the beginning of the world. All are bound to each other in heaven, and the flow of love, the symphony, only hits right if all the players are hitting the right key. And unfortunately, many of the keys aren't hitting right (on earth), and so man is not in the bliss I dream for them. But, It doesn't mean I can't play some keys to make a person's life sound good, to be rich, like me; for I play my keyboard all the time, and this is why people hear the sounds of heaven. You have a keyboard as well, with from which you also can make the sounds of heaven. Play up that keyboard, because you can make beautiful music; you can melt people's souls with the beauty of heaven. And isn't this what everyone wants?
It speaks of me in Micah as the breaker (Micah 2:13). For I go before my people, declares the Lord, to break through the gates; and I break through with my keyboard, for the beauty of heaven destroys the gates. The beauty of heaven destroys through the gates in people's lives, and destroys the works of the enemy. For the enemy plays out the music of ugly, and its acceptance leaves destruction. But the enemy's music cannot stand against my music, because my music was what humanity's hearts were made for. I play my music, but my symphony is made of my people as well, and I give them parts to play. You have a part as well."
It speaks of me in Micah as the breaker (Micah 2:13). For I go before my people, declares the Lord, to break through the gates; and I break through with my keyboard, for the beauty of heaven destroys the gates. The beauty of heaven destroys through the gates in people's lives, and destroys the works of the enemy. For the enemy plays out the music of ugly, and its acceptance leaves destruction. But the enemy's music cannot stand against my music, because my music was what humanity's hearts were made for. I play my music, but my symphony is made of my people as well, and I give them parts to play. You have a part as well."
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