Thursday, December 10, 2009

How Success Will Be Determined in America (F)

I saw a screw (the thing you use that works better than a nail for some things) coming down into America. It was tilling the earth as it was being put into us. This represents that God is bringing a change in America as far as the financial area goes (and the area of being successful). God said to me that he is going to start depleting and weakening people's ability to succeed by evil ways, and that he is going to start making it so that, if people want to succeed, they will need to turn to those things that God is sowing into and growing. This depletion of people being able to succeed by outside means will bring more attention, and indeed the proper attention, to the things God is doing. Gems will be honored as gems more like they should be (i'm talking about spiritual gems, as in the potential and ideas that are stored up in people).