Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The other day when I was spending time with God, I had a picture enter my mind of a field of swaying tall grass. At first I thought the field was supposed to represent the world, but something felt off about the field. The field was green, it was mundane, and the grass seemed very content in what it was and where it was. I asked God why the field I saw didn't seem like the "harvest field" I initially thought it was supposed to be. I felt that God said something felt weird to me because the field I was seeing wasn't the harvest field, but the church. After this, I saw a large earthquake start to happen, and the ground beneath the field started to shake quite strongly. I saw small pieces of field being lifted up and moved to other areas. I felt that God said to me that he was going to start moving people to places that they needed to be, and sometimes forcefully if necessary. And I assume with the shaking of the field I saw, that people are going to start to feel more unrest about just sitting around in their life, and are going to start to feel an increased need to do more. I feel that this is a now word.